Philip the Evangelist
Evangelist – one who tells others the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Philip was an Evangelist, consider his history:
Jerusalem: He lived in Jerusalem and was one of the seven men chosen to wait tables! In fact, those seven men were consecrated to do that job in the early church.
(Acts 6:5 Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas and Nicolas.)
What were the qualifications for the job of waiting tables?
(NASB) Acts 6:3 “…a good reputation, full of the Spirit and of wisdom…” They were given the responsibility of being in charge of this task.They were set apart for that task so the apostle’s could:
(NASB) Acts 6:4 “…devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.”What task are you doing in your church? One example is being an usher on Sunday mornings. Among other tasks: teaching a Bible class, working in the nursery, helping with the grounds and maintenance, there are various jobs to be done…all are important.
Whatever our tasks, we need to do them responsibly – this frees up the Pastor and staff for their important duties of ministry.
Samaria: Persecution came to Jerusalem, scattering the believers to other cities. Philip was one of those who fled to Samaria after Stephen was stoned. (Acts 8:1) He proclaimed Christ in Samaria, crowds heard him and paid attention. Many were healed and delivered from evil spirits by the power of the Holy Spirit through Philip. Many rejoiced because of Philip’s faithfulness to tell others of the Lord Jesus. (Acts 8:5-8)
Road to Gaza: Philip was led by the Holy Spirit to go to the desert road leading to Gaza. There he encountered an Ethiopian eunuch, a court official of Queen Candace. This man was seeking truth from the book of Isaiah. Philip helped him to understand the Scripture’s subject – Messiah. The Ethiopian believed in Jesus and was baptized by Philip on the road to Gaza. (Acts 8:26-39)
Caesarea: Philip then preached the gospel to all the cities he passed through. He made his home in Caesarea. (Acts 8:40; 21:8-9)
Years later, Philip opened his home to Paul and the men traveling with him.
He had four daughters, all virgins and all were prophetesses.
What a legacy to give to his family, faithfulness in serving the Lord Jesus.
What legacy are you leaving your family?
Philip’s passion: to evangelize, to tell others of his Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus.
He was used by God to spread the Good News from Jerusalem to Samaria then on a desert road and all the way north to Caesarea.Where is God the Holy Spirit leading you to share the Good News of the Lord Jesus?