Leadership Positions
Paul was meeting the Ephesian elders at a seaport city before he sailed to Jerusalem. Included in what he said was the following:
(NASB) Acts 20:28 “Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.”
The elders were the leaders in the church at Ephesus…they were responsible to watch over and direct the Ephesian church. They were the shepherds of the congregation. The Holy Spirit was the One who gave them those positions. Their faith in God the Son, the Lord Jesus, gave them the “right” to serve God as elders.
The same Holy Spirit Who made those men elders in the Ephesian church is at work in the churches of God today. He has not changed. Are you a leader in your church? Then you are an overseer, responsible to God and to the congregation. You have been called to be a shepherd of that flock where you worship God.
Paul warned those men to “Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock…”, are you on guard for yourself and for the people you serve?
Are you praying and studying God’s word on a daily basis? Seeking God’s direction and knowing His will? Do you consistently wait on God and not rush head long into assumptions?
The Holy Spirit of God makes you an overseer and a shepherd to your church family. You have a responsibility…may the Lord lead you through His Holy Spirit to make wise decisions.
If you do not have a leadership position in your church, are you supporting those who are? Are you supporting them with your prayers and your encouragement?