Time Alone with God
Paul sent a group of men, including Luke to Assos, a seaport city. There he intended to go on board the ship and sail with them.
What was Paul’s intention as he walked the roads to Assos?
Perhaps one reason…leaders need time alone, time apart from staff, supporters, their followers and their detractors. All followers of Christ should take time to focus on the living God and His words…listening and praying.
(NASB) Acts 20:14 “And when he met us at Assos, we took him on board and came to Mitylene.”
Paul apparently walked by himself.
What can you and I put into practice from this verse? Intentionally spend time alone with the living Lord Jesus Christ.For some, that may mean going to a “retreat” somewhere other than home. Or it may mean staying home but not answering the phone, e-mail, text messages, etc. for a period of time. Fasting can be done in many ways, not only from food, but other things that distract from being alone with the Lord.
Time alone with God
What does time alone with God mean for you and me? It refreshes our thinking, our emotions, our responses to others and their needs.Our attention is on God and His words – not on our problems, cares, concerns for others and circumstances. His words reveal His love, His direction, His mercies and grace for us in our lives. A fresh perspective is given, indeed, needed.
Our relationship with God is all important. He is our hiding place, our protection, and wonder of wonders – He surrounds us with songs of deliverance. (Psalm 32:7)
How do you know the God of the Holy Bible?
Do you know Him as your Father who loves you and proved it by His Son’s sacrifice on the cross for you? Good!
Do you know Him as your Savior and Master by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ? Good!
Do you know Him as your Counselor, Guide and Helper, the Holy Spirit of God? Good!
There is soooo much more about the living God to know…and blessing upon blessing as followers of Christ, we have all eternity. Start now! There is not a better time to walk with the Lord throughout your day. There is not a better time to talk and pray to the living God than right now. There is not a better time to sing and praise Him ~ right now!
Perhaps that is what Paul did as he walked alone. Perhaps that is what you and I will choose today! Intentionally have a time alone with our God as we walk the roads of today!