Trust God for your itinerary
Travel itineraries change.
Flexibility is essential.
Believers trust God for direction.
Prayer is imperative.
Leaders have the say.
New plans are formed.
Paul traveled through the districts of Macedonia, exhorting them. He arrived in Greece and spent three months there. He heard of a plot against him by the Jews and instead of sailing for Syria, he changed his travel itinerary. Paul was flexible and he returned through Macedonia. (Acts 20:1)
Paul was not traveling alone. Men from the various cities where he had established churches accompanied him. These seven men trusted God for direction and accepted Paul’s leadership as he made new plans. Perhaps, as some commentaries suggest, these seven men were carrying monies collected from the churches to needy Jerusalem believers. (Acts 20:2-4)
Paul’s decision: the seven men were sent ahead of Paul. At some point Luke joined Paul. They all met up at Troas, a seaport city. (Acts 20:5-6)
Travel itineraries change.
Flexibility is essential.
Believers trust God for direction.
Prayer is imperative.
Leaders have the say.
New plans are formed.
When circumstances change, being flexible becomes essential.
One example is when Jesus called Simon Peter and Andrew to follow Him.
(NASB) Matthew 4:19 “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
Following Jesus means just that…follow Him!Followers of Christ, put your trust in the living God for His direction.
(NASB) Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight.”Paul was a man of prayer; his letters prove this.
Prayer is essential in doing God’s will, God’s way
and on God’s timetable.Paul was also a leader of leaders…and under his leadership he formed new plans.
Followers of Christ trust God for your itinerary.