Be Encouragers to Others
The Lord gave Paul the blessing of encouragement as He commanded him to continue to teach and preach Jesus Christ in the city of Corinth.
(NASB) Acts 18:9-10 “And the Lord said to Paul in the night by a vision, ‘Do not be afraid any longer, but go on speaking and do not be silent;
10 for I am with you, and no man will attack you in order to harm you, for I have many people in this city.’”Paul had the blessing of the Lord’s promise of protection, the promise of many people in Corinth who believed in the Lord.
Wherever the Lord calls you, He equips and prepares you to tell others of the Lord Jesus.
(NASB) Acts 18:11 “And he settled there a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them.”
Paul was encouraged by the Lord and he in turn encouraged others to know Jesus Christ, Creator, Redeemer, Savior, Master (Lord), Lord God Almighty.
Paul spoke and wrote to many as he stayed in Corinth. From Corinth he sent a letter to the Thessalonica believers. Then a few months later, he sent a second letter. We can read those letters in the New Testament.
Paul had “planted” a church in Thessalonica. (Acts 17:1-10) His love and concern was for them to mature in their faith.
Do you and I have that kind of love and concern for people to grow in their faith, people we know and people we do not yet know?
Paul was encouraged by the Lord. Paul was an encourager of others to mature in their faith in Jesus Christ. He spoke, he wrote letters…and we are blessed today because of how the Lord used Paul to further the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Let us not grow weary in well doing and being encouragers – for the Lord blesses many through our obedience to His call.
Wherever the Lord calls you, He equips, encourages and prepares you to tell others of the Lord Jesus.