What Do Others Hear?
Epicureans – “…materialistic view of existence was intended, negatively, to free people from anxiety regarding death and the gods; death is the end of everything and, therefore, is nothing to be feared.” Paul’s message “of divine judgment and resurrection was contrary to their beliefs.” “The Eerdmans Bible Dictionary” pages 344-345
Stoics – “In Stoicism the primary focus is on how life is to be lived, with the attainment of virtue stressed above all. For the Stoics, virtuous living is living in accordance with nature.” “The Eerdmans Bible Dictionary” page 970
Paul was speaking to the people in Athens, among his listeners were Epicureans and Stoic philosophers. Some said, ‘What would this idle babbler wish to say?’ Others, ‘He seems to be a proclaimer of strange deities.’ These comments were stated because Paul was “preaching Jesus and His resurrection.” (Acts 17:16-18)
To whom are you speaking about Jesus and His resurrection? All followers of Christ are witnesses – many quietly living their faith. However, don’t miss the opportunities to share faith in Jesus with others. Choose courage and speak up. Wisely point to the Lord Jesus and then let them think about what you have said.
Paul was speaking to many who had never heard the name of Jesus. The Athenians were curious about these ideas. They took Paul to the hill (Areopagus) where a council of men met. There Paul was heard and told them his views. (Acts 17:19-20)
There are people in your country who do not know the Lord Jesus. Or, perhaps they use His name as a cuss word, but do they know that He is the living resurrected Jesus?
Perhaps you are the only one they would listen to – what do your actions, your words say about your faith in the Lord Jesus as your Savior to that person?Paul was disturbed by the many idols the people of Athens worshiped…so he proclaimed Jesus and His resurrection. Christianity has the promise of the living God…He did die and He was buried in a tomb. But this is where Christianity differs from all others idols, deities and beliefs. Jesus was raised from the grave, He lives physically in heaven today and He is coming again as King over all kings!
What do others hear regarding your faith in your living Savior, Jesus Christ?