Intentional Focus
Paul was in Athens, alone. He was waiting for Silas and Timothy to come. Paul didn’t sit in a room somewhere to wait. As he walked about the city he saw idols, many idols. Paul’s spirit was grieved, distressed and roused to anger. (Acts 17:16)
What provokes you? What causes you distress, grief and even anger as you observe your culture?
Paul experienced all of those things because he was focused on the Lord Jesus and His resurrection. He knew the living Savior; his faith was not in any idols.What did Paul do? He went to the synagogue. He went to the market place.
When he went to the synagogue he reasoned with the Jewish congregation and God-fearing Gentiles. When he went to the market place, he reasoned with whoever was present. Paul was logical and a well-reasoned thinker. (Acts 17:17)What did Paul focus on as he spoke? He was preaching Jesus and His resurrection.
(Acts 17:18)What provokes you? What causes you distress, grief and even anger?
Perhaps it is traffic – or the powers in government – or laws of your country that are blatantly opposed to God and His words. Perhaps it is a sports team that is playing poorly.What provokes you? What causes you distress, grief and even anger?
I need to think about what is really important – and what is important is belief in Jesus and His resurrection. When I focus my thoughts on my Savior, I have a changed attitude.
Where is your focus?Paul’s focus was on his Savior, on the resurrected Lord Jesus. His concern was for others to hear truth about the living God. Is that your concern and intentional focus?