Repeated Patterns in Paul’s Life
Paul, Silas and Timothy left Thessalonica under duress. They traveled to Berea and were warmly received by the Jewish congregation.
The Bereans “were more noble-minded than those at Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether” Paul was in line with Scripture when he proclaimed Jesus as the Messiah. For this reason, many believed in Jesus as their Savior. Not only Jews but prominent Gentiles women and men believed. (Acts 17:10-12)
The repeated patterns in Paul’s life happened – again! What was the pattern that was repeated from city to city to city?
—Paul would enter a city and look for a Jewish synagogue then proclaim Jesus to be the Messiah according to Scriptures: Messiah had to suffer and had to be resurrected. It is amazing! Jesus fulfilled all of prophecy in the Scriptures when He came the first time (His first Advent).
—If no synagogue was found, Paul would look for a group who believed in God – and he found such a group in Philippi and they believed his message. (Acts 16:14-15)
—Jealous Jews would stir up trouble, go to the authorities and instigate a mob.
—Paul would be arrested, beaten, imprisoned and/or forced to leave the city.
—Paul could not be deterred, but traveled to the next city and went through the same pattern.
—Paul’s passion was for people to know Messiah Jesus and how He fulfilled Scriptural prophecy.
Many reading this devotional face opposition, oppression, ostracism, officials and relatives that hate the name of Jesus. For those of us not in such circumstances, pray for our sisters and brothers to be strengthened, to be witnesses in their difficult situations.
Paul was never deterred from telling others of his Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ and His sufferings and resurrection! Amazing news!
Who are you going to tell of Jesus and His power to save? How are you praying to be such a witness?
Our God is not limited by our circumstances or the ways we can communicate with others. He is the God Who will use us, perhaps in unique ways. Be alert, be ready to follow Him.
Amazing God! Amazing Savior! Amazing leading of God the Holy Spirit!