The Power of Jesus’ Name
How often do followers of Christ ignore or forget the power that is in the very name of Jesus Christ? Paul did not forget as he and three other men walked the streets of Philippi.
What happened? Let Scripture tell us:
(NASB) Acts 16:16-18 “It happened that as we were going to the place of prayer, a slave-girl having a spirit of divination met us, who was bringing her masters much profit by fortune-telling.
17 Following after Paul and us, she kept crying out, saying, ‘These men are bond-servants of the Most High God, who are proclaiming to you the way of salvation.’
18 She continued doing this for many days. But Paul was greatly annoyed, and turned and said to the spirit, ‘I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her!’ and it came out at that very moment.”
A girl enslaved by a demon of divination was also a slave to her masters for profit. What the demon in the girl had her saying about these men was true. Demons recognize Jesus Christ and His followers. Demons are fallen angels who once were in the presence of the Lord Jesus in heaven…until they followed Satan and were thrown down because of rebellion against the living God. (Isaiah 14:12-15; Luke 10:18)
Paul knew the power of Jesus Christ’s name…it is more powerful than anything. The name of the Lord Jesus is always more powerful than Satan or his minions…even today.
Demons recognize Jesus and the power of His name – do you?
Paul, Silas, Timothy and Luke recognized the power which is in the name of Jesus.
The name of the Lord Jesus Christ has power over demons…the girl was enslaved by a demon of divination and she was delivered from that slavery by the power of Jesus’ name.Followers of Christ…upon what do you depend for help in times of stress, fear, pressures, and the unknown future?
You are encouraged by the living God of the Holy Bible to ask for help in the name of the Lord Jesus. He promises to do what you ask when you ask in His name.
Prayer is to agree with Scripture. Whatever you ask, be sure that it is in agreement with what God says in the Bible.
You are then promised: “If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.”
(John 14:13-14)
What are you going to ask in the powerful name of Jesus?