Trusting God for the next step…
The living God of the Bible is not limited in how He lets us know His will for the next step.
Paul, Silas and Timothy had been stopped from going into Asia, not once but twice, by the Spirit of Jesus. (Acts 16:6-7)
Then the Lord gave Paul direction through a vision at night:
(NASB) Acts 16:9 “…a man of Macedonia was standing and appealing to him, and saying, ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us.’”
The Lord wanted Paul and his traveling companions to go into Europe, not Asia at that time.
God’s leading:
How has the Lord led you as you followed His leading?
+ Always, God’s leading will agree with His word – the Holy Bible.
+ Circumstances, many times, are a strong indicator – but not to be relied upon completely.
+ Input from others is also a way that the Lord verifies His direction for us.
+ A desire within – given to us by God – is also a factor in our choices.
+ A peace which only God gives is the culmination of the above factors of knowing God’s will. If you do not have the peace that only God gives…then prayerfully rethink your decisions and choices.
Sometimes the process is quickly realized and other times the process is methodically slow. Whatever the Lord leads you to do…do that, in His timing.
Never, ever, let procrastination keep you from being in God’s will and moving forward.
Procrastination finds excuses and “reasons” not to take the next step.
Procrastination is trusting…in yourself…in your circumstances…in other people…but it is not trusting your Savior for the next step.
This devotional was begun over eight and a half years ago, from a desire within. Then the Lord provided a web master and an editor. Over the years, there have been changes to how the devotional reads…because the Lord taught me through this experience. Prayer, lots of prayer, goes into the preparation, the writing, the posting of this devotional and that is a blessing! This is only one example of God’s will being done…
My friend, whom I will meet in heaven…trust God for the next step of faith and begin that journey…one step at a time…you never know where God will lead you…and that is exciting!