Timothy’s circumcision
Who was Timothy? He was a young man who believed in Jesus Christ as his Savior. His mother was Jewish and a believer. His father was a Gentile. (Acts 16:1)
Timothy had a great reputation among believers in Derbe and Lystra. His reputation extended to the town of Iconium. (Acts 16:2)Paul was impressed with Timothy and he wanted this young man to join his missionary team. What a statement that makes about Timothy…his attitude, his love for the Lord Jesus and his character.
Paul foresaw a problem in the case of Timothy. Since the young man had a Jewish background but had not been circumcised (making him a Jew) he would not have credibility among the Jewish population to whom Paul was trying to reach with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Timothy’s dad was a Gentile and for this reason the Jewish people would not readily listen to Timothy. So Timothy agreed to being circumcised. As a grown man, that would have been quite painful for several days following the surgery.
Usually circumcision was done on the eighth day after birth in Jewish families. Circumcision was very important for it was the sign of the covenant of God with Abraham. And it proved a man’s “Jewishness”. (Genesis 17:9-14)
Timothy was willing to do what it would take so others would listen to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He was not asked to do a senseless ritual or do anything that was not in accord with God and His word. Paul did not ask any other man to do this…because others were either Jewish and had been circumcised as a baby or they were from a Gentile background. Timothy’s case was unique and was treated as such by Paul.
Of what do you and I need to be carefully doing?
First: to keep our eyes and thoughts on what God’s word states.
Second: prayerfully read and study God’s word.
Third: put what we read into practice, doing what God says to do.Paul’s focus was on telling others of Jesus Christ, and as he traveled on the second missionary journey, we will see his commitment and dedication to that end.
What is your focus in life? Do you also have a desire for others to know your Savior?
Followers of Christ: there is always a cost involved in sharing the Good News of Jesus.For Timothy it began with being circumcised. Timothy was later sent to Corinth to settle some problems in the church. He became the leader in the church at Ephesus. He became a valuable leader and his initial sacrificial surgery of circumcision had been a small price indeed.
Look beyond the present sacrifice you are facing and expect the Lord God to lead you to being a valuable witness of Jesus Christ in the future.