Caring & concern for your church family…
(NASB) Acts 15:36 “After some days Paul said to Barnabas, ‘Let us return and visit the brethren in every city in which we proclaimed the word of the Lord, and see how they are doing.’”
Paul was concerned about the new believer’s in Christ Jesus in every city where they had proclaimed Christ. That covered a span of two years…how ambitious of Paul. He wanted to see how they were doing, spiritually.
A healthy church family shows care and concern; what a blessing for the individuals in that family.
First, God’s words of truth are given and lived out. People respond by putting the word of God into practice in their homes, in their relationships, wherever they are. Responding to God’s words, His plan and His purpose through faith in the Lord Jesus is the basis for a healthy church family. Never forget to extend a healthy dose of forgiveness!
Second, Tender Loving Care for God’s people is the norm. Is your church like this? How can you work to become a part of such a church, without changing churches?
Third, concern for the spiritual well-being and growth as believers in Jesus Christ will become a part of your thinking.
There are many ways we can show concern for others: making a phone call; sending a written note or e-mail; delivering a meal; giving a hug or a touch on the arm, and praying for individuals. Then let others know how you are praying for them…using Scripture for the basis of your prayers.
One example is the prayer on the side-bar…it is based on God’s words.
Fourth, what other ways do you show concern for those fellow believers in your church family?