Encouraging Message
When life becomes harder, illness takes an upper hand, people become difficult to work with, what do we need? All of us need an encouragement from time to time. We need encouragement especially when we are in the darker parts of life.
Believers in Antioch were given encouragement when Barnabas and Paul returned from Jerusalem. Not only these two beloved men came back, there was also two other men with them, who came to encourage them. And not only did these four men bring encouragement, they also brought an official letter stating that under the guidance of the Holy Spirit of God, faith in Jesus Christ was all that was needed to be saved. (Acts 15:22-29)
Encouragement results in rejoicing. Encouragement strengthens. It lifts the spirits of all who receive the encouraging news.
(Acts 15:30-35)When people see you coming what do they typically anticipate? Do they see a scowl and expect a scolding? Do they know that you will have a negative criticism? Or do they look forward to a message of encouragement?
And when you leave, what do you leave behind? Do others remember your frown and the “downer” of discouragement? Or are they glad you came with the joy of encouragement?Choosing to bring messages of encouragement – is that what you do? Or is it something you will start doing?
(NASB) 1 Thessalonians 5:11
“Therefore encourage one another and build up one another…”