Disciples of Jesus Christ
After being gone two years, Paul and Barnabas had to be tired: physically, mentally and emotionally.
Rest and recuperation are important for God’s people. R & R does not mean not doing anything. To have needed rest is important and getting back into a familiar routine is restful.
R & R at your home church includes: spending time with fellow believers, doing the usual things in a church, having the same bed at night, eating familiar and favorite foods. These all work to bring about rest and recuperation.Paul and Barnabas were among friends, beloved friends in Antioch after their years on the road.
What do friends do in churches? They are encouragers; they give out Godly love to those within the church. Does Scripture say that at this point in the book of Acts? No, but notice what it does say:
(NASB) Acts 14:28 “And they spent a long time with the disciples.”Who do you count in your circle of friends in your church? To whom do you go to share your joys, your sorrows, your questions and your love?
A church filled with believers who are loving, forgiving, joy-filled are a blessing. Are you such a person?
Loving other believers is not to expect perfection in other’s…none of us are perfect (ask your best friend). Loving other believers is to forgive when slighted, offended or hurt in some way.
Your focus and mine is to be on Jesus – He loves you and me; He loves those other believers too.As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are blessed. ‘Lord make me a blessing to another today’.