Commitment to Endure! Accomplished!
Paul and Barnabas had been gone from 46-48 AD The first missionary journey began from Antioch and they returned with many stories of the grace of God for the work they had accomplished. (Acts 14:26)
They had told many of the Lord Jesus Christ and had established churches in various cities. They had preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ and made many disciples, men and women, boys and girls who placed their faith in the Lord Jesus as their Savior. They prayed and fasted then appointed leaders (elders) in those churches.
They encouraged the new believers to continue in their faith. As they traveled home, they continued to preach. (Acts 14:21-23)
Those two men made commitments to endure and those commitments were accomplished.
When you travel, you probably won’t face the same hardships that Paul and Barnabas did. Paul endured threats on his life, being stoned and left for dead, and of course the unmentioned hardships of travel. (Acts 13:50-51; 14:19-20)
To what has God called you? To what are you committed, are you enduring?
(NASB) Psalm 37:5 “Commit your way to the Lord,
Trust in Him, and He will do it.”Today, many marriages are failing to endure…what do you need to do in your marriage?
Jobs and responsibilities; all need commitment, endurance. Perhaps there is a friendship to which you need to commit and endure in giving and receiving forgiveness.Commitment to endure – at the end of your life will it be said that you accomplished God’s goals for you?
Paul and Barnabas returned to Antioch and the church in that city gathered together to hear all that the two men told them.
What did they say? Did they dwell on their travel hardships and if they did, Scripture doesn’t say.
As they talked, they told of what God had done through them and how He had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles.On what do you focus when you recount your trip? Did some things happen that are humorous? How was God at work? That will take some thoughtful reflection on your part.
As you travel, be alert to God and how He opens doors to share your faith with others. There are people who need to hear what you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
(NASB) Psalm 37:5 “Commit your way to the Lord,
Trust in Him, and He will do it.”