Traveling there and back again…
When you plan a trip or have a travel agent plan a trip…a map is used and how you will travel is checked out; planes, cars, taxis, ships, even motorcycles. What are the time schedules for departure and the connections needed? Accommodations and the ease of eating establishments are essentials. There are visas and passports, currency of the countries you will be visiting…the rates of exchange, knowing it changes on a daily basis, these are some of the things to think about. Cell phones and international connections established. Credit cards, cash, all these are some of the considerations for traveling.
How well prepared are you for traveling to other countries? For some countries you will need certain immunizations. Cultures and customs differ, what protocol will be expected of you? Will language be a barrier? Is an interpreter needed?
In the days of Paul and Barnabas, the universal language was Greek. Today it is English.Paul and Barnabas had gone out on the 1st missionary journey. They committed themselves to God’s call and it took endurance and faith in the living Lord Jesus. They headed home to Turkey, back to the church in Antioch from which they had been sent. You can follow their itinerary as you read the book of Acts.
(NASB) Acts 14:24-26 “They passed through Pisidia and came into Pamphylia.
25 When they had spoken the word in Perga, they went down to Attalia.”
Those two men did not stop preaching Jesus Christ as they were going home. They continued to speak of the living Lord Jesus…they were faithful to do what they had been sent to do by God the Holy Spirit. (Acts 13:2-3)
Scripture does not speak of any travel problems Paul and Barnabas may have had on their journeys. Problems can be treated as inconveniences that need to be solved. When you travel, when you are bone weary, how do you treat other people? On what is your focus?
Paul’s focus was on God’s purpose and that purpose was giving out the good news of faith in Jesus.One way you can spread God’s Good News is when you eat in a restaurant, tell your server that you are going to bless your food and ask, ‘how can I pray for you’? You may be amazed at how that person will respond and the prayer request they give you. Blessing!
By the way, you can do that the next time you eat out.As you travel, how will you tell others of your Lord and Savior Jesus?