Prayer of the Week
The prayer of the week is based on Isaiah 45:22-24
Father, You sent Your Son Jesus Christ, so I could have salvation from Your wrath. My sins deserve punishment before You the holy God. Thank You for Your salvation through Jesus. Thank You that Jesus paid the penalty for my sins.
You plead with me, and everyone on earth, to turn to You and be saved. For You alone are God, there is no other God. There is no other way but Your way to be saved and that is through faith in Jesus Christ.
You have sworn by Yourself, Your word will never go away, it is eternal. Your word has been given in righteousness. Every knee will bow before You, every person will swear allegiance to You. It is only in the Lord that we have righteousness. It is only through faith in Jesus that we have salvation and victory.
Give me opportunity and loving boldness to share Your glorious Good News with someone today.
In the name of Your only begotten Son, Jesus I pray…amen!