Israel’s History leads to Messiah
Paul was speaking to a Jewish congregation in Pisidian Antioch, Turkey.
He spoke of the enslavement in Egypt and how God led them out as a nation in the exodus. (Acts 13:17)
Paul spoke of the exasperation of God for these same people, leading them through the wilderness for forty years. (Acts 13:18)
Paul continued with what God had given these people as they were established in the Promised Land. (Acts 13:19)
Then God established the leadership for His people. Samuel the prophet followed by Saul the king, then David. (Acts 13:20-22)
The Lord God said of David, “I have found David son of Jesse a man after My own heart, who will do all My will and carry out My program fully.” (Amplified Bible Acts 13:22)
Then Paul brought the reason for this history lesson to light by pointing to the expected Messiah.
(NASB) Acts 13:23 “From the descendants of this man, according to promise, God has brought to Israel a Savior, Jesus.”
Paul then spoke about John the Baptist and his baptism of repentance…this man was well known by the Jewish audience. John had said that he was unworthy to untie the sandals of Jesus.
Paul emphasized the coming of the promised Messiah through the history of Israel, through God at work among His people and through a noteworthy man such as John the Baptist.
What is your history? How is the living God of the Bible working in your life?
To whom are you talking to about Jesus, the Messiah?
Are your actions and your words pointing to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Anointed One of God?