Open Invitation ~ an Opportunity
Paul and Barnabas traveled from the seaport town of Perga, going inland to Pisidian Antioch.
These two Jewish men went into the synagogue and sat down, unobtrusively, quietly.
Their presence would have been noticed, they were strangers…yet they would have appeared at ease, being comfortable in the Sabbath service. (Acts 13:14)
(NASB) Acts 13:16 “After the reading of the Law and the Prophets the synagogue officials sent to them, saying, ‘Brethren, if you have any word of exhortation for the people, say it.’
16 Paul stood up…”
What do you notice about Paul? First, he and Barnabas “fit in” with the congregation. They were comfortable in that service of worship. Secondly, Paul stood up when asked…he was not shy or bashful, he was not prideful or arrogant as if he was a man of importance.
When you travel, where do you go to worship the Lord on Sunday? Is worship even a part of your plans?
When you do attend a church away from home, are you comfortable and at ease because you are accustomed to worshiping on a regular basis?
Paul took the opportunity given to him and when asked, stood immediately.
How do you take advantage of the opportunities the Lord God gives you to tell others of your Savior, your Redeemer and your Lord?
Open invitations are opportunities to tell others of the Lord Jesus Christ…how do you respond to such invitations?