Politics…the inner workings of politics on an international level are still on-going.  Treaties, alliances, allies, high ranking officials, ambassadors and lobbyists…all at work to get their agendas before heads of state and the bodies that govern.  It is true today and it was true in the days of the first century church.

Herod Agrippa I was in power in Jerusalem by Rome’s permission.  He was an angry man who used his power against anyone who displeased him.
James for example, had been killed by the sword at the orders of Herod.  (Acts 12:2)
Peter had been imprisoned and was to be publicly executed, but Peter was delivered from prison…by an angel of the Lord.  (Acts 12:6-11)
When Peter could not be found – anywhere – the four soldiers were executed by orders of Herod.  (Acts 12:19)  Then Herod went to Caesarea.

Politics and its behind-the-scenes workings were in full swing in Caesarea.  Herod was angry, very angry at the people in Tyre and Sidon and they knew it!
The people made a friend of the king’s chamberlain, Blastus.  They wanted peace with Herod.  (Acts 12:20)
Warning! Herod’s anger controlled him.
Danger! Herod’s country controlled the food supply of Tyre and Sidon.

Pomp and circumstance…how Herod must have loved wearing his robes of royalty, sitting on a rostrum and speaking to the crowd in Caesarea.  (Acts 12:21)
Warning! & Danger! Herod’s ego was fed…he exerted power and control over those people in that crowd.  After all, he was king and he was in control.

The crowd knew that groveling and acclaiming Herod would benefit them.  They cried out, “The voice of a god and not of a man!’”  And Herod never refuted the accolades.  (Acts 12:22)
Warning! Danger! Never take accolades or worship as if deserving of them…only the living God is worthy of such adoration and worship.  Herod never acknowledged that fact.

Peter never permitted anyone to worship him.  (Acts 10:25-26)
The Lord God never gives anyone what is His…for He is God!

The Lord God of the Bible protects His name, His authority and His position.
(NASB) Acts 12:23 “And immediately an angel of the Lord struck him (Herod) because he did not give God the glory, and he was eaten by worms and died.”
Warning! Danger! to all those who try to stop God and His word from changing lives…it can’t be done…Herod tried to stop it…he didn’t.  Hitler tried to stop it…he didn’t.

(NASB) Acts 12:24 “But the word of the Lord continued to grow and to be multiplied.”
Warning! Danger! Today many are trying to stop God and His word…God’s word is eternal.  Nothing can stop God’s word!  Nothing!

(NIV) 1 Peter 1:25 “…but the word of the Lord stands forever.” (Also Psalm 119:89)