
 Peter was rescued, miraculously led out of prison where he was held under tight security.

From what had Peter been rescued?  A fellow disciple had been killed by the sword at the orders of Herod, king in Jerusalem.  Herod saw how that pleased the Jewish people in Jerusalem.  So he arrested Peter, with the intent to bring him out to publically execute him.   (Acts 12:2-4)

All the while prayers, fervent prayers, were being said for Peter by the followers of Christ. (Acts 12:5)


Peter thought he was having a vision as he was led out of the prison by an angel sent from the Lord.  (Acts 12:11)

Peter recognized he had been rescued: from Herod – who intended to make him a public spectacle…from the Jewish people who were expecting to see Peter killed.

From what or whom have you been, or desire to be, rescued?  Like Peter, perhaps you are held in tight security from escaping your circumstances.  No way out, seemingly impossible to escape.

James had not escaped being killed…but Peter did.  How fair is that?!  However, followers of Christ have a Sovereign God…He is in charge of our lives.  His purposes and plans are higher than our thoughts or plans.

After being rescued by the Lord Jesus and brought into His kingdom through His power, what are we to realize?  It is all of Jesus!

What do you and I need to recognize about being a follower of Jesus Christ?

Jesus has rescued us from sin…from Satan…from God’s wrath…from death.

What was intended to enslave you and me, to kill us has been overcome by God’s power exhibited on the cross and through the resurrection of Jesus.


How can you and I respond to such a great salvation?  With adulation, with hallelujah’s, and with praise and giving glory to our great God.

Hallelujah!  Rescued from sin, Satan, God’s wrath, death!

      Hallelujah!  Realization what God has done for us…literally and spiritually.

            Hallelujah! Recognize we are free.

                  Hallelujah! Rejoice!  What a Savior!