Families Histories
What does the history of your family reveal about faith in the living God of the Bible?
Perhaps the Lord God has been ignored, or not been believed in, by your ancestors.
Belief in the Lord Jesus Christ can change your life and your history going forward.By Rome’s permission one family, the Herod’s, ruled in Judea, Galilee and Samaria for many years. The first Herod was Herod the Great and his cruel rule was during the time when Jesus was born and a toddler. All the events described in Matthew 2:1-18 fulfilled prophecy.
When Herod the Great died, his kingdom was divided among his sons. Politics and intrigue were the norm.
Herod Antipas is the next Herod we see in Scripture, one of the sons of Herod the Great. It was Antipas before whom Jesus was tried before He was crucified. (Luke 23:8-11)After more years of intrigue in Rome…Herod Agrippa I ruled in Jerusalem. He was a grandson of Herod the Great. And like the Herod’s before him, he also was cruel…and without God in his life.
Unbelief in the living God is revealed in how we treat others. Unbelief was a part of the history of the family of the Herods.
Perhaps you know of people who are kind and loving, yet do not know Jesus as their Savior. Do you have compassion for them because of their unbelief? Are you praying for them?
Perhaps you know people who are cruel, hateful and hurtful in their words and actions. Do you have compassion for them because of their unbelief? Are you praying for them?
The men and women who will follow as your sons and daughters, what legacy are you leaving them? What history will they point to because of your choices today concerning the Lord Jesus Christ?
You can change your history by your belief in the living God of the Holy Bible through faith in the Son, Jesus the Messiah!
By going to the tab “Resources” at the top of this page and then going to “God’s Plan of Salvation” you also can come into a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior. You can also use it to lead others to Jesus.
Your history is important…what will your legacy be?