Giving Aid…
The Lord God sent His workers into the harvest fields of Antioch…to preach and teach of God at work through the Lord Jesus Christ.
He also sent some prophets to Antioch from Jerusalem…to warn of a great famine that would not only occur locally, but “all over the world.” (Acts 10:27)
Agabus was one of those prophets. He brought the dire news of needed relief for the believers in Judea. The Roman emperor, Claudius Caesar, was in power at the time of this great famine.
(Acts 11:28)What are some things that are shown in this passage of Scripture?
*God gave some prophets the desire to tell Antioch believers of the coming trouble to believers in Judea.
*Believers in Antioch responded, giving in proportion of their means to help, even though they had never met them. (Acts 11:29)
*Believers gave willingly, no coercion, no one was forced to give…
*Two trusted men were given the monies to take to Jerusalem…Barnabas and Saul. (Acts 11:30)Giving relief to another’s need is often times financial.
There are ways of giving relief to meet people’s needs: an encouraging note, perhaps a text, or a phone call to “listen”. Going out for tea/coffee or lunch may also be that needed lift you could give to another.God’s people are to be “tuned in” to the leading of the Holy Spirit as were those believers in Antioch.
How is the Holy Spirit leading you to give aid to another…today?