Sent ~ Went
Barnabas was sent from Jerusalem to Antioch. The church leaders (in Jerusalem) wanted more information about what was happening in Antioch. Was it true that many Gentiles were becoming believers in the Lord Jesus Christ? (Acts 11:22)
Barnabas was sent from Jerusalem to Antioch
What do leaders do?
Available to be sent to areas that may be unfamiliar
Available to observe the grace of God at work in new places (Acts 11:23)Barnabas went from Antioch to Tarsus
What do leaders do?
Recognize the needs and who the Lord would use to meet those needs
Recognize the need to be personally involved, giving time, energy and even experience discomfort for the next step to be taken
Recognize the need to have face-to-face time with God’s chosen leaders – traveling inconvenience should not be an issue (Acts 11:25)Barnabas + Saul went from Tarsus back to Antioch
What do leaders do?
Success in bringing God’s leaders to the harvest fields – for the fields are ripe for harvest!
Success in responding to the needs (Acts 11:25-26)What is the Lord God calling you to do that may be inconvenient and/or out of your comfort zone?
Your response is important…Barnabas was a man who responded to God’s call, a long way from Jerusalem.
Saul was a man who also responded to God’s grace at work in the lives of Gentiles in Antioch, a long way from Tarsus.
God’s call may not have you leave the comfort of your home…but He may call you to go into uncharted waters of your experience – right there, in your home!
Are you being “sent” and are you willing to have it said, he/she “went”?