Prayer of the Week
The prayer of the week is based on John 15:26
Father, God of our Lord Jesus Christ…You send Your Holy Spirit to live within everyone who recognizes their need of Jesus as their Savior. Thank You!
Lord Jesus, Son of God, You promised the Holy Spirit as our Counselor, Whom You sent from the Father. Thank You!
Holy Spirit of God You are the Spirit of truth Who goes out from the Father. You are the One Who tells me and others about Jesus. Thank You!
Father, Son and Holy Spirit ~ Triune God, You are three Persons, yet One God. How this is true, I do not know. But this I do know, You reveal Yourself in this way throughout the Holy Bible, beginning with Genesis 1:1.
How great You are! I come to thank You ~ praise You ~ glorify You…praying in the name of Jesus, Amen.