Pointed Questions
The church leaders in Jerusalem heard that the Lord was working in Antioch, Turkey. They chose a trusted man to go and check it out…they sent Barnabas.
Question: Where is the Lord sending you?
(NASB) Acts 11:23 “Then when he arrived and witnessed the grace of God, he rejoiced and began to encourage them all with resolute heart to remain true to the Lord;”
Destination of Barnabas
Arrived – at Antioch
Witnessed grace of God at work
Question: What do you “see” in the church you attend?
Question: Are there works without God at the center, or is the grace of God at work?
Rejoiced at what he observed
Question: Over what do you rejoice? Over the various programs in your church?
Question: Or over God at work in the lives of those who come to worship?
Encouraged believers to keep resolute hearts
Encouraged believers to remain true to the Lord
Question: Are you an encourager? How do you encourage believers to remain true to the living God of the Bible?
(NASB) Acts 11:24 “for he (Barnabas) was a good man, and full of the Holy Spirit and of faith. And considerable numbers were brought to the Lord.”
Description of Barnabas
A good man with an excellent reputation.
Full of the Holy Spirit having a close relationship with God evident in his life.
Full of faith in words and actions showing his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Question:On what is your reputation built? Is it “good works” or being yielded, submitting to God?
Whenever we yield to God, it will be revealed in every area of our lives.
Development of the Antioch church
Considerable numbers were brought to the Lord
Question: Toward what end are you working?Pointed questions should be asked of ourselves and answered honestly.
When God reveals our need to ask forgiveness or reveals a change is needed in our lives; that is God’s grace at work.
Asking pointed questions are important in order to grow as God’s children…He wants you and me to mature, to grow up in Christ, no matter our age today.