Never Know What God Will Say When You Pray…
A praying man, a centurion in the army of Rome, lived in Caesarea. (Acts 10:1-2)
About 3:00 pm (the ninth hour), he was praying and he clearly saw an angel sent from God in a vision. That angel called him by name, “Cornelius!” (Acts 10:3)
That angel certainly got his attention. In fact Cornelius responded quickly by fixing his eyes in fear on that angel…remember he is a soldier in the Roman army…and he was frightened. He said, “What is it, Lord?” (Acts 10:4)
Then the angel said something that must have quieted the centurion’s racing heart, “Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering before God.” (NIV Acts 10:4)
When you pray, what do you expect?
When you pray, do you pray out of a sense of duty?
When you pray, do you pray devoutly and with devotion to the living God?
When you pray, do you pray devoid of any expectation that your prayers are even heard?
Our prayers, yours and mine, are to be done with a sense of worship of the living God, devotions directed toward heaven and God’s throne.
Prayers are petitions presented to the God of the Holy Bible…He answers prayers…your prayers and mine.
Cornelius was praying and suddenly he was given an encouragement followed by instructions.
Instructions given for Cornelius:
(NASB) Acts 10:5-6 “Now dispatch some men to Joppa and send for a man named Simon, who is also called Peter;
6 he is staying with a tanner named Simon, whose house is by the sea.”
The angel’s message from God to Cornelius was explicit, clearly stated. Did you notice that Cornelius wasn’t given all information…just the next step to take?
In order to receive further instructions, Cornelius needed to do what God had told him to do…in order for you to know what the Lord God has in mind for you, you need to take the next step that God would have you do.
You never know what God will say when you kneel to pray. And that leads to adventure on a path where you see one step at a time…are you ready to go where God is calling you…one step at a time? Many times, taking the next step may take you out of your comfort zone. Remember: the living God is Immanuel…“God with us”. What He calls you and me to do, that is what we are to do.
You and I never know what God will say when we pray…but we can know that our God will be with us when we take the next step.