A Centurion’s Devout Character
Where did the following history take place?
Caesarea – a garrison for Roman soldiers on the coast sixty-five miles west of Jerusalem.
Where is your history taking place today?
What was the job of this man which this Scripture tells?
Centurion – a non-commissioned officer of Rome, commanding one hundred men.
What is your job, where do you work day after day?
About whom was this true story?
Cornelius – a devout man, a man who feared God and his household also feared God.
When people describe you, what words are used because of your reputation, your actions and your words?
Why was Cornelius’ character given in the highest accolades?
Character of Cornelius – a generous man and one who practiced a continuous life of prayer.
What of your character? Our character is revealed by our actions, our words, and that leads to our reputation. What do others conclude about you because of your words and actions?
Are you known to have a positive influence on those in your home and with those you “hang with”?
Do others call you devout in your relation to the living God of the Holy Bible?
Are you generous in giving to the needs of others?
Prayer, is it “hit and miss” most of the time? Or, do you really pray each day and even on a continuous basis?
Your dependence on God, my dependence on God reveals our faith in the living Lord Jesus Christ.
Your dependence and mine on the living God will be evident to others.
(NASB) Acts 10:1-2 “NOW THERE was a man at Caesarea named Cornelius, a centurion of what was called the Italian cohort,
2 a devout man and one who feared God with all his household, and gave many alms to the Jewish people and prayed to God continually.”
How do others view your character?