For many days, Saul taught in the Damascus synagogues of the risen Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  Saul’s conversion included believing that Jesus was indeed risen from the grave and that He was the Son of God.  (By the way, Jesus is still alive today, physically in heaven and He will come again!) 

  Saul was so effective in proclaiming Jesus as the Son of God that the Jewish leaders in Damascus “plotted together to do away with him.”  (Acts 9:23)
  But Saul found out about the plot.  The gates of the city were watched 24/7 so that Saul “might be put to death.”  (Acts 9:24) 

  So what did Saul and his followers (his disciples) do?
(NASB) Acts 9:25 “but his disciples took him by night and let him down through an opening in the wall, lowering him in a large basket.” 

  Did Saul stay around to be killed?  No, he escaped his executioners.  When God calls us, we are to use common sense and not to intentionally become martyrs.   

  Who else has “escaped” by God’s leading?  The Israelites made their escape from Egypt under the leadership of God leading Moses.  (Exodus 1:1-12:42) 

  King David also escaped his enemies several times by running away.  And that was according to God’s leading. 

  When the first century church was persecuted, some of the followers of Christ stayed in Jerusalem, others fled to other parts of Israel and even into other countries. 
(Acts 8:1 

  The question may be, when do I know when to “escape” and when to stand my ground?
Pray and seek God’s guidance.  He will use your witness for His glory, whether you stay or flee. 

(NASB) Acts 8:4 “Therefore, those who had been scattered went about preaching the word.” 

  Wherever you go…know that the Lord is God…it is He who has made you.  You, follower of Christ, are one of His people, a sheep of His pasture.  (Psalm 100:3) 

  He is your Shepherd; He will feed, guide and shield you.  He will make you lie down and depend on Him for green pastures.  He will lead you beside still waters and refresh your mind, your emotions and your will.  He promises to lead you in paths of righteousness all for the sake of His glorious name.  (Psalm 23:1-3)   

  We are to proclaim Christ, the Son of God; risen from the grave as our Savior and coming again as King.