The Lord Jesus Christ showed Himself and spoke to Saul.  Saul had been on the road to Damascus to arrest the followers of Christ and take them back to Jerusalem for trial.  But after that encounter, blind Saul fasted for three days and then his sight was restored by Ananias (a follower of Jesus Christ).       (Acts 9:1-19) 

  Then Saul spent several days with the disciples of Jesus in Damascus.             (Acts 9:19)
  Can you imagine the conversations, the questions, the truths of God being understood by Saul with those followers?  And think about those believers…they had been expecting to be arrested and taken to Jerusalem by this man!  The questions, the doubts must have been many concerning the conversion of Saul.  What a transformation in one life! 

  Saul knew the Old Testament prophecies about the coming Messiah.  And the life, death, resurrection and ascension of the Man, Jesus Christ, fit them all.  How the pieces must have fallen into place for Saul as he understood Scripture and its fulfillment in Jesus Christ. 

  Perhaps you also know the prophecies of Messiah from the prophets…compare them with the New Testament writings of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and other books.  The “pieces” will all fit.  Why do I know this?  Because the prophets writings are true prophecies of the Messiah.  Because Jesus Christ fulfills them and no one else is able to do that.  Jewish people are still looking for Messiah to come to rule (and He will, but not yet).  Messiah was proclaimed by the prophets but they did not separate the two different times Messiah would come.  The First Advent was the birth of Jesus as a baby in Bethlehem.  The Second Advent will be the time Jesus comes again to take His rightful place on the throne of David.  [Both Advents are prophesied by the prophets.] 

   Saul went into the synagogues of Damascus proclaiming, “He (Jesus) is the Son of God.”  What a turn around!  From persecutor to being a proclaimer of Jesus Christ.
  Saul proved, again and again, that Jesus is the Messiah of God by using Scriptures. 

  How do you proclaim Jesus Christ as the Son of God and prove it with the fulfilled prophecies of the Old Testament Scriptures?
  Proclaiming Jesus is to know Him for yourself and by pointing others to Him.  Proclaiming the Lord Jesus is to begin to know Scriptures.  Everyone’s knowledge of the Bible is nil until it is taught and studied. 

  I encourage you to prayerfully read all of Scripture…not just the New Testament.  The Old Testament is very important…it too is the word of God.

“The New is in the Old contained;
The Old is by the New explained.”
                 (Author Unknown)