“I am Jesus…”
Saul had authority from Jerusalem religious leaders to go to other synagogues in Damascus to arrest Christians and take them to Jerusalem to be imprisoned. Outside of Damascus, Saul is suddenly met by Jesus. First a blinding flash of light, then the voice of Jesus asked him a question…“Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” How did Saul answer? “Who are You, Lord?” (Acts 9:4-5)
Then Jesus answered Saul’s question:
(NASB) Acts 9:5 “…I am Jesus whom you are persecuting.”
Think about this: when Saul had stood holding the cloaks of those stoning Stephen…Jesus was being persecuted. (Acts 7:54-58)
When Saul hounded the followers of Christ in Jerusalem…Jesus was being persecuted. (Acts 8:1-3)
When Saul obtained the letter authorizing him to go to Damascus to arrest men and women to bring them to Jerusalem to stand trial…Jesus was going to be persecuted. (Acts 9:1-2)
So when that light from heaven flashed around Saul and the question was asked, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” Saul had no response…only a question…“Who are You, Lord?”
When followers of Christ are maligned, mistreated, imprisoned, tortured, killed…Who is being persecuted? The Lord Jesus!
All followers have been given the Spirit of God…when they professed their faith in the living Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior. Therefore, when followers of Christ are persecuted, it is Jesus – Himself – Who is being persecuted.
Jesus did not mince words, He did not give Saul an “out”…he was guilty of persecuting Jesus. Today, how often do we weaken the words of God that are meant for us to grow up and be mature believers? How often do we seek to give an “out” to someone who is being pin-pointed by God to make a change in their lives?
It is Jesus to whom we are to listen, to Whom we are to respond then change whatever it is He says needs to be changed.
Please be careful to agree with God…even when you want to be a “mama bear” and protect another.
Saul’s question, “Who are You, Lord?”
Jesus’ answer, “I am Jesus whom you are persecuting.”
Do you also ask Who are You, Lord? Jesus will point to Himself and say “I am Jesus…”
What a privilege to worship Jesus, the resurrected, living Son of God…Messiah!