From village to village
The apostles in Jerusalem heard reports of Philip’s work in Samaria. They sent Peter and John to the Samaritan city where Philip was preaching and proclaiming Christ to the Samaritans. Philip also healed many and delivered many from unclean spirits. Many believed and rejoiced. Peter and John prayed for the new believers to receive the Holy Spirit. (Acts 8:5-8, 14-15)
These two men “solemnly testified and spoke the word of the Lord”, then they left.
In those days they walked everywhere they went. As Peter and John were on their way to Jerusalem, when they came to a Samaritan village they would faithfully preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. One village after another heard the good news of the Lord Jesus.
Peter and John made use of the opportunities to tell others of Jesus Christ and what He had done for each one of them.
These two Jewish men talked with and preached to many people in Samaria. Why was this unusual? Samaria was disdained by the Jewish people. When they would travel from Galilee (in the north) to Jerusalem in the south…they would walk around the region of Samaria.
Who do you “disdain”? Whom is God placing in your path to tell them of Jesus Christ, Savior, Redeemer?
Peter and John were faithful in proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, even to people they normally ignored.
(NASB) Isaiah 52:7 “How lovely on the mountains
Are the feet of him who brings good news,
Who announces peace
And brings good news of happiness,
Who announces salvation,
And says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns!’”
From village to village, we too are to be faithful in telling others of Jesus Christ and His love and sacrifice for them.