“…on that day…great persecution.”
Stephen had been stoned to death for his faith in the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ. A young man stood there, watching, and whole-heartedly agreed with the execution. In fact those who were throwing stones laid their robes at his feet. His name was Saul.
(Acts 7:47-60; 8:1)
On that very day a great persecution against the church in Jerusalem began. Saul spear-headed that persecution by cruelty and violence against the church in Jerusalem. He would enter by force into believer’s homes, dragging off men and women to prison. (Acts 8:3)
How did those believers react? Many left their homes and fled to others parts of Judea and even to Samaria (an area north of Jerusalem that the Jewish people avoided). They preached the Good News of Jesus Christ. (Acts 8:4)
The apostle’s, how did they respond to this persecution? They stayed in Jerusalem at that time. (Acts 8:1)
What about the body of Stephen? Some devout men buried Stephen’s body, with a great show of real grief and lamentation. (Acts 8:2)
There are many places throughout our world where followers of Christ are also being persecuted. They are being driven from their homes, arrested, put in prison, brutally treated and even dying in horrific ways.
What can you do, you who are reading this devotional?
Pray for the followers of Christ to be filled with the Holy Spirit as Stephen was. Acts 7:55)
Pray for those who are persecuting believers as Stephen prayed for those who killed him: “Lord, do not hold this sin against them!” (Acts 7:60)
Whenever there is persecution of God’s people He has used it to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to wherever they flee. In the early church, the followers of Christ were concentrated in Jerusalem. When the great persecution began, it forced those believers to other regions, and so the Good News was spread beyond Jerusalem. (Acts 8:4)
Pray for persecuted believers, that they would be filled with the Holy Spirit of God.
Pray that their faith would be strengthened and bring glory and honor to the living God of the Holy Bible.