Joshua’s Leadership
Stephen continued to defend himself from the charge of blasphemy against Moses and against God.
Stephen briefly sketched the life of Moses being the deliverer of the Israelites out of slavery and the importance of the Tabernacle of Testimony in the middle of the camp during the wilderness years. For the previous study of the Tabernacle refer to the sidebar for “The Tabernacle of Testimony.”
(Acts 7:20-44)
Then Stephen said this about Joshua:
(NASB) Acts 7:45 “And having received it (the Tabernacle of Testimony) in their turn, our fathers brought it in with Joshua upon dispossessing the nations whom God drove out before our fathers, until the time of David.”
When Moses died, the living God called Joshua to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. Under Joshua’s leadership, the Israelites crossed the Jordan River and began to conquer the nations living there. Joshua was faithful to God’s leading and direction. He also relied on God through prayer and obedience to doing what God called him to do…drive out nations in the Promised Land.
The Tabernacle of Testimony continued to be an important part of Israelite worship. For God’s presence was with them.
Today, the Holy Spirit of God is given to each person who receives Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. God’s presence is with us…for all followers of Christ.
Some questions I ask myself:
Am I being faithful to what God has called me to do? For some it will be showing hospitality; others for teaching a Sunday School Class, or a Bible study; for others, it is working on a committee in their churches; being a deacon or elder; being a custodian or an administrative assistant…all are meaningful and require faithfulness.
Not only being faithful but obedient to God and His words of instruction. Is my spiritual life maturing and growing or have I become stunted in my growth?
Where do I place my reliance on doing what God calls me to do? I need to pray, pray and pray some more…relying on my God for His strength, His love for people, His mercy and grace through my actions, attitudes and thoughts.
The list can be longer and you may want to add your questions about your leadership role as you follow the leading of God.
Faithfulness to God
Obedience to God and His word
Prayer – in the name of Jesus
Reliance on the living God of the Holy Bible