Be warned – do not turn back to slavery
Stephen continued to focus on Moses and the rebellion of the Israelites against God. Stephen continued to defend himself against the charge of blasphemy against Moses and against God as he stood before the Council of Jewish leaders. We have front row seats as we read of what Stephen said:
Moses led the people to Mount Sinai in the wilderness by the direction of God. There he received the Ten Commandments, “living words to pass on to us”. (NIV Acts 7:38)
The Jewish people were not willing to obey him, they rejected Moses and in their hearts they turned back to slavery after they left Egypt. That slavery was worshiping idols. When Moses was alone on Mount Sinai for 40 days, the people got tired of waiting for him to come down from that mountain. So they made a gold calf and celebrated and honored what their hands had made. (Acts 7:39-41)
God turned away from this stubborn people and they worshiped idols and the stars in the heavens. God told them that He would send them into exile beyond Babylon. And He did…many hundreds of years later. The Lord God keeps His word, nothing thwarts His decisions. He is Sovereign.
(Acts 7:42-43)
When do you and I reject God and His words to us? Is it when we choose our wills over God’s will? Is it when we put anything or anyone first before God? Is it when we put ourselves first? Is it when we deceive ourselves or allow ourselves to be deceived by anyone or anything that is not of God?
We too, are not to turn back to the slavery of sin. We too, are not to turn away from God and His word. We too are to take God’s warning to heart…to turn to Him and worship Him and to live each day by faith in Jesus Christ.