It was (and is) God at work…
I heard a sermon recently that delved into “…waiting patiently on God…”
Wait patiently, God is at work
Advantages in waiting:
*Clear direction of what God wants us to do – for His will for our lives
*God’s timing – be in step with God’s timing and the issues of God
*Personal preparation – right time in right place in God’s right time
*Relate to God – deepen our spiritual life
*God’s motives – for God’s glory and will – or is it my motive for my comfort and glory?
How patient are you while God is working in you and your circumstances?
Review the above bullet points…what do you need to do as you wait patiently because God is at work?
As Stephen defended himself to the Jewish Council, he reviewed their history. (Stephen and the men sitting on the Jewish Council had the same ancestors.) Stephen sketched the life of Moses beginning with the reason why the Hebrew people needed such a leader as Moses…it would be eighty years after his birth before the Lord God would call him to lead the slaves out of Egypt. (Exodus 7:7)
(NASB) Acts 7:17-20 “But as the time of the promise was approaching which God had assured to Abraham, the people increased and multiplied in Egypt,
19 ‘It was he who took shrewd advantage of our race and mistreated our fathers so that they would expose their infants and they would not survive.
20 ‘It was at this time that Moses was born…”
The living God of the Bible (Old Testament and New Testament – same God!) told Abraham, the first patriarch, that God’s chosen people (the Jewish people) would be slaves in Egypt. Through various circumstances God took the Jewish people to Egypt and it was God Who would bring them out of Egypt.
God was at work in the nation of Israel over a great number of years.
It was God Who used circumstances to protect His people. And it was God Who brought them out of Egypt…in His timing and for His purposes…through the leadership of Moses.
The living God uses your circumstances and mine to bring us to Himself. It is God Who is at work in your life and mine – how are you and I responding?
Are you yielding to Him? Is your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God?
It is the Lord Jesus Who worked out your redemption at the cross. There, on that cross, Jesus died in your place and mine for all of our sins. As Moses was used by God to lead the Jewish people out of slavery…so the Lord Jesus leads us out of slavery to sins.
It is God Who is at work to turn you and me to Himself.
For it is only through faith in the Lord Jesus that anyone can be saved. (Acts 4:12)
It was God at work for you on the cross…