Stating the Facts When Accused
Stephen had been accused of blasphemy by men opposed to him. Then they dragged him before the Council of Seventy, the ruling religious leaders in Jerusalem.
The man in charge was the high priest.
(NASB) Acts 7:1 “THE HIGH priest said, ‘Are these things so?’”
The accusations against Stephen were: he does not stop speaking against the temple and the Law. Lies and twisting of Stephen’s words were stated “for we have heard him say that this Nazarene, Jesus, will destroy this place and alter the customs which Moses handed down to us.” (NASB Acts 6:14)
How did Stephen respond to these accusations?
(NASB) Acts 7:2 “And he said, ‘Hear me, brethren and fathers! The God of Glory appeared to our father Abraham…”
Stephen was full of wisdom (godly wisdom) and full of the Holy Spirit of God. He began his defense with the shared history of those who accused him and of those who were sitting in judgment of him.
In the days and weeks to come this devotional will consider Stephen’s defense.
Stephen summarized God intervening in the lives of His chosen people, the Jewish nation.
Stephen never pointed a finger at his accusers, or called them liars. He stated facts, he stated their history. The facts were true, reliable and could be checked.
How do you defend yourself before those accusing you because of your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ?
What fills you? Anger, frustration, fear? Or like Stephen, are you filled with godly wisdom and the Holy Spirit of the living God?