Stephen’s Reputation
Stephen was picked for the following reasons to serve tables in the new community of believers. (Acts 6:3)
One: he had a good reputation
Two: he was full of the Holy Spirit
Three: he was full of godly wisdom
Four: he was responsible (therefore trustworthy to do an excellent job)
Are you such a follower of Jesus Christ?
*Do you have a good reputation?
*Are you in a right relationship with God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ? (Full of the Holy Spirit of God?)
*Are you full of godly wisdom which is from God?
(NASB) James 3:17 “But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering (impartial), without hypocrisy.”
From this verse, for what do you need to ask God?
*Are you trustworthy when your boss, your employer, your spouse is not watching?
*Are you responsible to begin a job and timely in completing it as soon as possible?
From where did Stephen receive the grace of God to have such a reputation?
It is from the same place you and I can receive the grace of God to have such a reputation.
Belief in the Lord Jesus Christ is the key. Taking responsibility before God and others to do an excellent work, whatever that may be…even to serving others as a waiter/waitress.
Stephen was full of the Holy Spirit of God…it is God’s power at work within us that causes us to have the desire and then to carry it out. Your power and mine cannot and is never adequate to do God’s work, God’s way…it must be God’s power at work in us and through us. No one…nothing else…can be or do what only comes from God.
Stephen’s reputation revealed his faith in God’s only begotten Son, risen from the dead.
Stephen’s reputation was a result of his obedient faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
What is your reputation? Where do you need to start obeying God’s words?
Will you now respond by obeying God’s words through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior?