What is your perspective of a full abundant life? 

  On the surface, the full life looks like happiness all the time with the cup that “runneth over”.  A perpetual smile indicates all is well with the world and with life in general because Jesus fills us up to the brim and then that joy runs over the top of the cup.  At least, that is the perception of an abundant life.  However, Jesus didn’t quantify when He was going to supply us with all we needed to live life to the full.  The opportunity is there, all of the time, in all circumstances.

The Cup
  The cup that “runneth over” gives a good word picture of a full life.  It is easy to imagine the tea cup or the coffee mug sitting on the table beside you.  Our finite minds can fathom what happens when the cup is filled to the brim and then runs over. 

  David, in Psalm 23, refers to this cup when he is speaking of God’s grace.  “You have anointed my head with oil; my cup overflows.”

  The grace and mercy of God are poured out into us to the point they run over and are expressed in our attitudes, thoughts, and actions.  But a cup is only a cup.  It is limited in scope by how much it can hold at any given time.

What is your perspective of a full abundant life? 

  As you anticipate the New Year of 2015, what will you choose as “your perspective of a full abundant life?”