The apostles were arrested, imprisoned and the next day stood before the Council of Seventy…the religious ruling authorities in Jerusalem. Gamaliel had cautioned the Council “…I say to you, stay away from these men and let them alone, for if this plan or action is of men, it will be overthrown; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them; or else you may even be found fighting against God.’”
(Acts 5:38-39 NASB)
The Council listened to the wisdom of this counsel and called the apostles into their presence and had them flogged. Then they were ordered not to speak in the name of Jesus anymore. Then the men were released. (Acts 5:40)
How did the apostles react to all that had happened to them and to what they were ordered not to do?
(NASB) Acts 5:41 “So they went on their way from the presence of the Council, rejoicing that they had been considered worthy to suffer shame for His name.”
How are you reacting to authorities who say you cannot name the name of Jesus in public prayer, or Bible study, or worship?
Do you and the people in your country turn away and hide from teaching, preaching and praying in the name of Jesus?
Or are you a standard bearer for the name that is above all names…Jesus?
Those of you who are in countries where it is not illegal to name the name of Jesus publicly…how are you praying for those who are persecuted, imprisoned, tortured, ostracized and even killed because of their faith in the living Lord Jesus Christ?
Followers of Christ…we are also called to rejoice when we suffer shame because of the name of Jesus.
Every day we are to go to our places of worship, to go from house to house and teach and preach Jesus…He is the Anointed One of God…the Christ, the Messiah! (Acts 5:42)
In two days, all Christendom is going to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Today, how are you going to rejoice because of the name of Jesus?
Rejoice because our Savior has been born. Rejoice because He has died in our place and He has been raised to life so you and I can have eternal life in His presence. Rejoice!
Followers of Christ…continue to teach and preach this Savior every day…and Rejoice!
We have a risen Savior…Rejoice!