Joy-filled Praise
When God has done a mighty work in your life, how do you respond? How have you responded in the past? Consider a lame beggar who had been lame from birth. He had to be carried everywhere. To support himself he was carried to the temple precincts and there he begged.
One day he saw two men going in to pray…and he called out to them for money.
Peter and John stopped. Peter said, “Look at us.” The man did, expecting to receive a few coins at least. But Peter did something much more significant…he had no money but he had the power of the Holy Spirit and he said, “In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene – walk!” (Acts 3:1-6)
Peter then reached down and pulled that man up to a standing position. Feet, ankles, legs were strengthened! What did that man do? (Acts 3:7)
(NASB) Acts 3:8 “With a leap he stood upright and began to walk; and he entered he temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God.”
With his body he was experiencing the joy of walking! Of leaping about! He experienced wholeness! With his mouth the man was expressing acknowledgement of God’s power!
When God works in your life…how do you respond? Is it with a lackluster ‘ho-hum’? Or do you get excited about what God has done for you?
So many people miss out on joy because they focus on the negatives in any situation.
What needs to change in your life? What are you going to ask of God this moment?
God’s power at work in your life – do you recognize it?
Do you respond with joy-filled praise?