Focusing on the Potentials, the Possibilities
Peter and John were going to the temple to pray. A man sitting on the street called out to them for money. How did Peter respond? “Watch” and “listen” as you read the following Scripture.
(NASB) Acts 3:6-7 “But Peter said, ‘I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene – walk!’
7 And seizing him by the right hand, he raised him up; and immediately his feet and his ankles were strengthened.”
No tentativeness on the part of Peter…he was fully assured that the man (born lame) would now walk! Can’t you picture Peter leaning down and grasping the right hand of that lame man and pulling him up to stand?
Not until that man was standing, his feet and ankles bearing his weight, did anything happen…only then were his legs, feet and ankles strengthened.
Peter had something better than money to give to that lame beggar. He had the authority and power of the Holy Spirit of God to give healing to that man. Peter fully expected that man to walk.
Followers of Christ, we have been given the Holy Spirit of God…are we focusing on the potentials and the possibilities of God working through us?
Not until we exercise our faith in a practical way will we see results.
Our efforts need to be expended so others will experience the effective power of God in them and for them.
Focus on the potentials and the possibilities of God in your life – change is coming! Change in attitude, change in outlook, change in responses; you will have a changed life because of the power of God at work.
Our confidence is not to be in our abilities, or talents, or wealth, or position…child of God our confidence is in God’s abilities, His talents, His wealth, His position, in His power…what potential! What possibilities!