The Beggar’s Attitude
A lame beggar asked Peter and John for money as they were going to the temple in Jerusalem to pray.
Seeing an opportunity, the lame beggar acted!
(NASB) Acts 3:3 “When he saw Peter and John about to go into the temple, he began asking to receive alms.”
Peter and John responded to this beggar…
(NASB) Acts 3:4 “But Peter, along with John, fixed his gaze on him and said, ‘Look at us!’”
What did the lame beggar do?
(NASB) Acts 3:5 “And he began to give them his attention, expecting to receive something from them.”
When you go to God in prayer, do you go with a request (like the beggar did)? Then when you have asked, with what attitude do you wait on the living God?
The beggar expected to receive something from Peter and John. He had asked and then he expected.
Like the beggar, we have needs which only God can supply. Do you and I ask God expecting something from God? Perhaps we are surprised when God gives us something completely unexpected.
Or do you ask, hardly daring to believe that God will hear and answer your request?
God wants your faith in Him, not in your requests! He wants you and me to ask, believing and knowing that He will answer our requests based on His holiness, His love and mercy and grace and…
Do you have that beggar’s attitude before God? Asking for your need to be met by God and expecting Him to meet that need.