Peter and John
Peter and John had been partners in a fishing business along with John’s brother (James) and their father (Zebedee) and Peter’s brother (Andrew).
Peter and John had been called by Jesus to be two of His twelve disciples. They were close friends as they traveled with Jesus and as they were eyewitnesses to His trials, His crucifixion, death and burial. It was Peter and John who had run to the empty tomb…Jesus’ body had disappeared! Peter and John witnessed the resurrected Jesus and His ascension into heaven.
Then on the Day of Pentecost, both were present when God sent His Holy Spirit on the believers. (Acts 2:1-4)
As the fledgling church began, Peter and John were still close; they were co-workers as well as brothers in Christ.
With whom are you close and have like-mindedness in worshiping the Lord Jesus and serving Him?
Peter and John were going up to the temple in Jerusalem about 3 pm, the hour of prayer.
(Acts 3:1)
If you have any ministry in your church, your neighborhood, your state, etc…who is your co-worker? Perhaps your vocation is a Pastor, a Sunday School teacher, a custodian, an administrative assistant, etc., who is your co-worker and prayer partner? To whom do you turn for prayer which is confidential? To whom are you a confidant and reliable in prayer for them?
Are you such a friend to another as Peter and John were for each other?