Witnesses to God’s Promise to David
Peter was talking to a crowd in Jerusalem. They had gathered outside a house from which the sound of a violent rushing wind had been heard. Those within the house had received the Holy Spirit of God. (Acts 2:1-4)
Peter said with complete confidence that Israel’s greatest and most beloved King David had died and was still buried in a tomb in Jerusalem. David had prophesied of the Christ (Messiah) who would be his descendant and would be resurrected. This Messiah is Jesus – Who had been resurrected from the tomb – Peter and those with him had witnessed the living, resurrected Lord Jesus. They had witnessed Jesus ascending into heaven.
(Acts 2:29-32)
Then…then Peter said something just as astounding:
(NASB) Acts 2:33 “Therefore having been exalted to the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, He has poured forth this which you both see and hear.”
The crowds to whom Peter spoke were witnesses – they were witnesses of the Holy Spirit of God poured out on that Day of Pentecost. They had heard the sound of a violent rushing wind in that house; this is what had drawn them to the front door! They heard those people speaking their many languages.
To be a witness of God’s power, God’s prophecies being fulfilled, being in God’s presence…‘Open my eyes Lord ~ I want to see, hear and respond to You!’
That crowd was witnessing God’s promise to David that Day of Pentecost.
Today, followers of Christ are to also witness to the truth of God’s word, all who receive Christ as their Savior are given the gift of the Holy Spirit of the living God…
As you walk through this day (if you are a follower of Christ Jesus) you have been given the same Holy Spirit as Peter was given! You have been given the same promise of eternal life!
Redeemed, forgiven and received by God the Father through faith in His Son. Given the gift of eternal life, given the gift of His Holy Spirit. What a God we have!!!
Rejoice! Praise God! Hallelujah!