Day of Pentecost ~ a Crowd Gathered
God the Holy Spirit’s power came upon one hundred twenty men and women gathered in a house to pray. They were followers of Christ. They were given the ability to speak in another specific language.
The amazing work of God gave those one hundred twenty people the very languages of the people who were in Jerusalem at that time.
There were many Jewish people from other countries in Jerusalem to worship God. They also heard the sound of a violent rushing wind which came from within that house. They gathered outside that house to find out what was going on.
God’s work in the lives of believers will draw others to find out what is going on. God’s work is to reach those without Christ in their belief system, without Christ in their lives.
1st came the power of the Holy Spirit to the believers in Christ.
2nd came the results of the sound of wind drawing people to that house.
3rd the power of the Holy Spirit gave those believers the ability to understand and speak in another language.
4th the crowds who gathered could understand their first language.
It is God the Holy Spirit who gives power to respond to God and His word!
The power of the Holy Spirit working through the study of God’s word changes lives.
When you are called to give out God’s word, do it prayerfully and faithfully.
God is faithful to work out His will in all who respond to Him.