Day of Pentecost ~ the Sound of Wind
Dr. Luke wrote the book of The Acts of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the apostles. He was careful to interview those that had been in that house on that day when God gave His Holy Spirit. (Luke 1:1-4; Acts 1:1)
One hundred twenty men and women were present (Acts 1:15).
From those men and women, Dr. Luke described the sound which they had heard.
(NASB) Acts 2:2 “And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.”
Notice what that verse states: “the noise like a violent rushing wind”…there was no mention of the force of such a wind tearing at hair and clothing. It was the sound of wind…rushing with force…the sound filled the whole house. Every room had the same sound, the same noise.
That sound came from heaven…those present did not make up the story, rather all present experienced it.
Those men and women had been meeting on a regular basis to pray (Acts 1:14). They were expecting God to give His Holy Spirit to them at some point in time (Acts 1:8).
They had anticipation, expectation and eager waiting without knowing precisely how all of the promise of God would work.
Do you have preconceived ideas how God will fulfill His words of prophecy and promises? I do, and I shouldn’t do that! God is unlimited in His creativity.
How should you and I approach this awesome Creator God? Always with reverence and worship. We can add expectant anticipation and eagerness as we look for how He will work out His prophecies and promises.
The sound of wind…from heaven…sent by God to those who were gathered to pray.
For what are you praying? Are you praying for the living God to send His Holy Spirit of power into your life so that you can be His witness in your home, your church, your city, your state, your nation and “to the remotest parts of the earth”?