Day of Pentecost ~ Waiting on God
(NASB) Acts 2:1 “WHEN THE day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place.”
God’s promised day arrived…it came as another dawn lightened the sky and flowed into full day.
Again the believers in Christ and His resurrection, ascension and promise had come together in one place.
Did they know who was going to be given to them at some point in time? Yes! The Holy Spirit of God. (Acts 1:8)
Did they know when God’s Holy Spirit would be given to them? No!
(Acts 1:7)
Did they come together expecting God to fulfill His promise at some point in time? Yes!
Do you go before the living God expecting Him to fulfill His purposes and plan for you?
More questions: How do you begin your day?
Do you begin your day by waiting on God? Reading His word, talking with Him (Prayer)?
Do you meet with other believers for the purpose of prayer – for God’s will to be done?
Do you have a “special” place where you concentrate on God and His word to you?
Do you yield to the living God of the Bible? Do you “let go” of your plans and your willfulness in order to follow God?
Do you go to God agreeing with Him?
Do you step aside for God alone to be glorified in and through your life – today?
Do you go with eager expectation to find out how God’s grace, mercy and love will be at work for His glory in and through your life – today?
Do I…do you wait on God – each day?
(NASB) Psalm 27:14 “Wait for the LORD;
Be strong and let your heart take courage;
Yes, wait for the LORD.”
This is a new day in your life…you are encouraged to begin to grow in your relationship to the living God of the Bible Who loves you! Relationships are a two-way street, God has done His part…have you?