Prayer of the Week
The prayer of the week is based on Acts 1:8
Lord God, Whose Son Jesus is the Savior of all who have become followers of Him, to You I pray.
Jesus promised His apostles (and all who follow Him by faith) that God the Holy Spirit would be given to each one!
God the Holy Spirit has power and the followers of Christ are given His power.
How are we to use His power? We are to be witnesses to those in our homes, our churches, our cities, our state and country. We are to be witnesses of Jesus Christ “to the remotest part of the earth.” To be a witness, an effective witness, I need to yield to Your way for me. I need to love You and Your word. And there is one more need I have: to love other people. You know that is sometimes hard to do…but by the power of the Holy Spirit…I can!
In the majestic and mighty name of Jesus I pray…Amen!