In the meantime…be a witness of Jesus Christ
Jesus promised His apostles that the power of the Holy Spirit would be given to them.
Jesus promised them that they would have power to witness of Him.
(NASB) Acts 1:8 “…‘but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.”
Consider the progression – we also can start where we live…right now. We also can begin in the country in which we live. We, too, can reach out to the remotest villages around the world.
In the meantime…as we wait for the return of Jesus…we are to be His witnesses by the power of His Holy Spirit.
Is the power Jesus told His apostles about, available today? Yes! When anyone receives Jesus as their Savior, at that very moment, at that nanosecond, we are given the Holy Spirit of God. (Acts 2:38)
You and I are to be witnesses of Jesus Christ — today — right where we are — throughout our day.
To whom are we to tell of Jesus Christ? We are to witness to our families, a co-worker, a telemarketer, a neighbor, a waiter/waitress serving us…whoever comes across our path.
How is one way to do this in a conversation?
First, be interested in that other person…
Perhaps before you pray in a restaurant — say to your server, we are about to ask the Lord to bless our food, do you have a need for which we can pray?
Remember: you are to rely on the Holy Spirit of the living God to bring to your mind His words for however the server responds to you.
It is important to know God’s words for yourself. Memorization is wonderful, then there are people like me who do not memorize easily but I can become familiar with where to find what is needed in God’s word…when appropriate, use a pocket sized Bible to point out God’s words to another.
Always, conversation is better than confrontation.
As we wait for the return of Jesus to this earth, in the meantime we are to be witnesses of Jesus Christ, where we are.
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